Group sessions

sacred space holding for men

There has been an out-of-balance masculine and feminine energy that has been dominant in our society for thousands of years. This has manifested in all areas of our lives for both men and women. Leading to solely operating from the ego, being out of touch with our emotions, creating and participating in hierarchical/patriarchal systems, sexism, being in a constant flight or fight mode, over efforting and grinding through life, not speaking our truth, judging, comparing, and so much more. Ultimately contributing to a huge system of separation and suffering within us and for the collective experience as well.

Although this experience has gone on for thousands of years, humanity has entered into a pivotal time in our evolution to shift out of it. For those willing to let go of the old, start to go within, and take the appropriate action, this results in greater unity, harmony, and balance within as well as an embodied higher lens of perception which sees the divine perfection of all that has taken place. Due to the clarity, the implementation of neutral action, and due to our connectedness. The collective transcends old social systems that have supported these imbalanced energies and create space for new ones that are aligned with an expanded perspective and higher levels of consciousness to be birthed. Thus allowing us to understand and embody our authentic nature. As we collectively enter into a new age of harmony, unity, balance, unconditional love, and much more, there is a grand invitation unlike ever before to implement tools that assist us in navigating these times with much grace, ease, clarity, joy, compassion, and neutrality.

This group offering is designed specifically for males who are ready and desire to go deep within themselves. To let go of old systems of limitation and suffering and to open up to the infinite potential that awaits their remembrance. We will be learning and implementing tools that assist us in creating a new way of Life. Some tools that will be experienced and not limited to are breathwork, meditation, mantras, mudras, and yogic postures. There are infinite ways in which these tools assist and enhance our lives. A few aspects we will be exploring are bringing clarity, rewiring neuro pathways, harmonizing and balancing our masculine/feminine/child energies within, and letting go of identifying as the ego. As we enhance our clarity we will have a greater ability to see how we have been participating in systems that are in polarity with a higher state of consciousness and to take the appropriate action to shift out of these old and limiting programs.

In addition to what has been mentioned above, we will be exploring different ways in which we can heal traumas that have been experienced throughout our lives and integrate the wisdom from them, clarify which traumas and patterns are yours and which traumas and patterns you have agreed to assist in transmuting for your maternal, paternal, and ancestral lineages; Balance, heal, and harmonize the physical, mental, emotional, spirit bodies, chakras and Maridans. Explore how porn affects our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Explore different sacred ceremonies that assist one in coming into greater depth of embodiment with your highest self, clarify the difference between joy and pleasure, establish a brain and heart coherence, explore the limitless potential of the heart center, and much more! As we create deeper balance and harmony within, we will see how it translates to all facets of life!


Start Date:

 October 21st, 2024

Length of This Course 

9 Weeks

What Is Included During These 9 Weeks:


Tier 1: 0 

 Tier 2: 2 

Live wisdom sharing, breath work, yogic practices, and other tools to be explored 

Both Tier 1 & Tier 2 have access to this

 Mondays & Wednesdays @ 6 PM EST for 90 minutes 

Live intimate community, transparent and authentic sharing  

Both Tier 1 & Tier 2 have access to this

Thursdays @ 6 PM EST for 90 minutes

One In-person retreat toward the end of our experience (not included in the price)

Both Tier 1 & Tier 2 have access to this

Location: Retreat Center in the Pisgah Rainforest, North Carolina

Exchange for the Sacred Space Holding for men: 

Tier 1: $2,222

Tier 2: $2,666

(payment plans available upon request)

To ensure the level of intimacy and quality of the group, there will only be 9 spots available and you will need to book a 30-minute consultation with me before reserving your spot.

If you can't make an online gathering because of schedule conflicts, all sessions will be recorded. You can catch the replay and stay connected in the group signal chat.  

Private Group Diamond plasma flow Quantum healing hypnosis & the breath of rebirth

This is a great way to have multiple people experience their own depth and journey that is meant for them to be experienced. Though the Individual Diamond Plasma Flow Healing Hypnosis & The Breath of Rebirth is more personalized and intimate. The only limitation to what can be experienced is your unwillingness to be vulnerable, transparent, and to surrender.

Some reasons people book this session are to:

1.) Enhance the connection of a group.

2.) Create a custom, unique, and specific group experience.

3.) Strengthen your embodiment of the Highest self and over-soul.

4.) Being able to go deeper with others with them.

5.) Receive healing on all of the bodies

6.) Gain clarity on questions like Who am I? Why am I here? What is my Purpose?

I suggest you look over the Preparatory PDF provided below before booking! Following these suggestions to the best of your abilities will make sure you get the most out of it!


- Length of time for the session 90 - Minutes 

- Suggested Exchange for The Session- $111 a person (2-8 people) / $99 a person (9- 15 people)

Private group sacred Breath session

The benefits of breathing consciously are endless. Breath can assist you in getting rid of your anxiety, stress, anger, grief, and depression. It increases your feelings of joy and happiness and promotes positive thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and clarity. It lowers cortisol levels, regulates blood pressure, increases circulation and oxygenation of the blood, stimulates blood flow throughout the digestive tract, and improves intestinal activity. It increases your focus and Improves sleep patterns. It Alleviates or completely gets rid of pain. It creates a space for processing trauma and that allows suppressed emotions to surface and be released. It boosts your immune system and strengthens your lungs, to name a few.

As amazing as these benefits are, they are just the low-hanging fruits of the infinite potential that can be experienced. When you come into sacred space, have a clear intention, and are fully present, profound inner growth occurs.

Depending on what you’re looking to get out of this session and what your intention is, a specific type of breath will be selected to be worked with. To name a few, there are the Breath of Resurrection, the Breath of Clarity, the Breath of Clear Remembrance, the Breath of freedom, and the Breath of Rebirth.

In addition to the breath, I implement the Diamond Plasma Flow energy to further assist you in way that is in alignment with your highest and best interest.

The unique experience that comes from participating in breathwork is that there is no need to put words to what you are experiencing. You just show up and be present with all the alchemy that unfolds uniquely to you.

That being said, At the end there is an opportunity and space for you to share your experience. In being witnessed and sharing transparently comes forth greater opportunities for alchemy and to clarify anything that needs clarifying at the moment.


- Length of time for the session 90 - Minutes 

- $222 a person (2-8 people)

- $200 a person (8- 15 people)

MEET Stevhan

Stevhan Snows
Heart Alchemist, Resurrection and life path Guide.

There are many reasons beyond comprehension as to why and how you have synchronistically found yourself on this website. I invite you to take a moment, start a deep and rhythmic breath, and drop into your heart. As you navigate this website I invite you to let go of any conclusions from previous experience. Navigate this as you have never heard of any of these offerings before and explore from a place of child-like curiosity.

“do not try to fix everything that comes into your life. fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.”

- Another aspect of you