BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY of inner wellbeing.

1 on 1 sessions

Private individual session

If you are excited and ready to enter into an experience where new tools, wisdom, and clarity are offered to expand your consciousness, assist in the embodiment of your I AM presence, and unlock your dormant crystalline potential within. This is the place for you!

Maybe you want to explore why you are regularly experiencing depression, anxiety, and stress and desire to no longer experience that. Perhaps you’re looking to fine-tune your existing Devotional Offering (something you do that is in alignment with your soul/ heart/ core essence, that produces income) or even figuring out what the first step looks like in creating one. Maybe you want to go past the mind chatter and cultivate a greater sense of peace. Maybe you’re being called to explore the depths within to create a stronger connection with and as your higher self. There is no limitation as to what can be experienced.

As you can imagine The Individual session meets everyone uniquely where they are at as per their intention.

As we co-create a custom-tailored path for you we will explore, illuminate, and bring clarity to any unprocessed traumas in this lifetime or from others. Implement tools to assist in the releasing and transmuting of all the traumas and all that is no longer serving you. As you cultivate greater well-being and enhance your clarity you will be in a more grounded and clear space to navigate life with grace and ease.

Beyond aiding you in the moment(s) together. My intention is to ultimately assist you in remembering who you are. When you are in full remembrance of who you are, whatever you desire to experience or create will flow with more grace, ease, clarity, and synchronicity.

The space will be held with immaculate love, compassion, and integrity. I lovingly emphasize and invite you to hold yourself accountable sovereignly. Showing up for yourself, actively participating, being fully present, and implementing all that is shared and that resonates with you in our time together, daily. If you are interested, ready, and in resonance to start showing up for yourself in a more expansive way, start by feeling into your intention. When booking the session with a clear intention profound inner growth manifests.

If experienced online or in person the session can be recorded. That way you will be able to watch your sessions as you feel guided to watch them. As they can offer continued guidance, support, and healing when you need it most.


-Length of Session 90 minutes

- $222

Private individual Diamond Plasma flow HEALING Hypnosis & breath of rebirth

In this deep dive of souliar and cellular alchemy, you, our higher selves, and I co-create an experience tailored to meet you exactly where you're at! Through a unique combination of Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy Hypnotherapy combined with breath work and the Diamond Plasma Flow. The possibilities are endless as to what can be experienced!

Some reasons why people book this session are to:

1.) Integrate aspects of themselves that have been left behind or suppressed due to trauma either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually in this lifetime or others

2.) Strengthen the embodiment of their Highest self and over-soul

3.) Overcome limiting programs like fear 

4.) Activate, expand, clear, and align all of your bodies and energy centers AKA chakras

5.) Gain clarity on questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my Purpose?

6.) Gain clarity on abductions and other similar events

This session can be recorded and you will be able to watch your session(s) as you feel guided to watch them. They will offer continued guidance, healing, and answers to questions that you might have outside of the session. When you come back to it you will be in a new place of conscious awareness and be able to see things that you might have missed the first time.

In addition to this session, you will receive a complementary 30-minute follow-up session to see how the integration is going, and answer any questions.

Please review the preparatory PDF below before booking! Following these suggestions to the best of your abilities will make sure you get the most out of it!


- Length of time for the session 180 - Minutes 

- Length of time for the complimentary aftercare session 30 - Minutes 

- $555

Diamond Plasma flow Healing Hypnosis PrepAratory PDF

Private Individual Sacred Breath Session

The benefits of breathing consciously are endless. Breath can assist you in getting rid of your anxiety, stress, anger, grief, and depression. It increases your feelings of joy and happiness and promotes positive thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and clarity. It lowers cortisol levels, regulates blood pressure, increases circulation and oxygenation of the blood, stimulates blood flow throughout the digestive tract, and improves intestinal activity. It increases your focus and Improves sleep patterns. It Alleviates or completely gets rid of pain. It creates a space for processing trauma and that allows suppressed emotions to surface and be released. It boosts your immune system and strengthens your lungs, to name a few.

As amazing as these benefits are, they are just the low-hanging fruits of the infinite potential that can be experienced. When you come into sacred space, have a clear intention, and are fully present, profound inner growth occurs.

Depending on what you’re looking to get out of this session and what your intention is, a specific type of breath will be selected to be worked with. To name a few, there are the Breath of Resurrection, the Breath of Clarity, the Breath of Clear Remembrance, the Breath of freedom, and the Breath of Rebirth.

In addition to the breath, I implement the Diamond Plasma Flow energy to further assist you in way that is in alignment with your highest and best interest.

The unique experience that comes from participating in breathwork is that there is no need to put words to what you are experiencing. You just show up and be present with all the alchemy that unfolds uniquely to you.


-Length of Session 90 minutes

- $222

Private individual Diamond Plasma Flow Session

Like everything else in the universe, there are infinite expressions within this divine technology. The Diamond Plasma Flow holds a mirror of transparency and clarity. Not leaving a single fractal unhealed or unintegrated. There are infinite ways in which you can participate in it.

In short, the Diamond Plasma Flow assists you in coming into a greater sense of inner well-being, balance, and harmony for the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies. Aligning all of the bodies, bringing forth diamond clarity to reveal anything that is in polarity to your highest and best interest and purpose, clear and cleanse energetic pathways, and much more.

Depending on your intention, and what is most in alignment with your highest and best interest, the applicable expression of the Diamond Plasma Flow will be experienced. Such as the Diamond Chakra Alignment or the Diamond Alignment.


-Length of Session 90 minutes

- $222

MEET Stevhan

Stevhan Snows
Heart Alchemist, Resurrection and life path Guide.

There are many reasons beyond comprehension as to why and how you have synchronistically found yourself on this website. I invite you to take a moment, start a deep and rhythmic breath, and drop into your heart. As you navigate this website I invite you to let go of any conclusions from previous experiences. Navigate this site as if you have never heard of any of these offerings before and explore from a place of child-like curiosity.

“do not try to fix everything that comes into your life. fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.”

- Another aspect of you