During this pivotal, profound, and expansion of consciousness that humanity is going through. Much is coming up to be released; In our personal lives as well as collectively. Without an expanded perspective, tools, and the awareness. It can seem overwhelming. Simply due to how long we have not been willing to neutrally look at it. For individuals, there are infinite ways that this can be expressed for our unique journey. For the collective, it is having an awareness of all of the old organizations and systems that are no longer aligned with this expansion of consciousness. Such as unity, unconditional love, transparency, and so much more!

 Awakening Source Within is a short, straightforward, and simple  E-book that shares a limitless perspective, provides practical tools, and illuminates some major self-limiting systems that create unnecessary entanglements that lead to unnecessary suffering in one's journey. Ultimately aiding you in navigating this shift in consciousness with much grace and ease as well as a pathway to embodying your core essence/ I AM presence! 

When checking out, there are two options for the book. They both have the same information, the difference is the extensions.

Option #1 is an epub extension: This is what Kindle and other E-book platforms use. Providing you with a page-turning experience.

Option #2 is a PDF extension. Rather than a page-turning experience, this provides you with a scroll-down experience.

With much love and gratitude, I thank you in advance for honoring yourself by directing your consciousness to a pathway that leads you to embody and experience your highest potential. As always take what resonates and leave the rest! Wishing you an expansive, joyful, unifying, and profound journey ahead!