About Stevhan Snows

Stevhan Snows is a heart alchemist and resurrection and intuitive life path guide. He dedicates his daily practice and path of devotion to assist humanity in deeper discovery and embodiment of their Divine purpose through the consciousness of Law of One. Having experienced many lifetimes as an embodiment and teacher of unity consciousness, Steven holds the frequencies of immaculate love light. Bringing it forth into his devotion to all beings in private sessions, group offerings, speaking engagements, and daily life. 

Through his unique devotion of heart alchemy, Stevhan assists others in restoring and resurrecting balance and harmony in their lives. He brings both the wisdom and tools that enable others to let go of identifying as the ego and fully surrender and trust in their heart's wisdom. Identifying what emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles are present and ready to be brought forth into greater awareness, embrace & integration. Ultimately guiding others into awakening to greater awareness and embodiment as Source and discovering their highest life path blueprint. 

He brings forth many quantum tools and techniques to assist in the healing of the outbalanced feminine and masculine energies embedded within our carbon-based DNA. As his Christos light shines through his channel the transformation of carbon-based DNA into crystalline DNA orchestrates and restores the light, sound, and plasma harmonics of Divine Union within.

Steven has been trained and certified as an A.U.R.A (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy)hypnosis healing technique practitioner, as well as a certified R.A.A.H (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healer) practitioner. He lives as a student and a teacher of continued spiritual incension and expansion. He is the author of the E-book "Awakening Source Within" and Dedicates his life to the embodiment and devotion of the highest expression of Awakening to Source Within.